Restoration Life Foundation is currently seeking volunteers
who are interested in helping to be a part of changing girls and women’s lives
who suffer from the emotional trauma of sexual abuse and molestation. We are looking for people who are willing to
volunteer their time to make phone calls to local churches, women’s
organizations, counselors, and other non-profit organizations or schools that
would consider having our founder, Kathleen Frank, speak about her abuse and
offer hope and restoration. Please
contact us at or call at 1-866-350-LIFE (5433) if you are
interested in volunteering your time for our cause.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Sex Trafficking in Our OWN Backyard!
Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking occurs when people are forced or coerced
into the commercial sex trade against their will. This means at any age,
any gender, anywhere.
Sex Trafficking
When most people think of sex trafficking, they think of
girls or women from another country (such as Cambodia, Amsterdam or Bangkok)
being sold as sex slaves. Although it
exists in those countries in staggering numbers (2 million people globally to
be exact), sex trafficking is becoming more prevalent in the United
States. Yes, that’s right, in our own
Sex Trafficking’s
Impact on America
25% of all child sex tourists around the world are US
citizens. This means that these victims
are taken from our country and moved to, or sold in other countries. It is estimated that the number of children
who are victims of commercial sexual exploitation in the United States reaches
to 100,000 – with the average age being 14 years old. Some victims are reported to being as young
as 5 years old.
The largest group of sexually trafficked victims in the
US comes from East Asia and the Pacific (5,000-7,000). The second largest group comes from Latin
America (3,500-5000). The victims that
come from the US are either lured from internet chat rooms, bus stations,
schools, group homes or malls.
Causes of Sex
Poverty, violence, and a lack of a quality resources and education
are closely linked to those who enter into sexual exploitation. Many of the victims are either runaways or
thrown-aways. Traffickers use their
desperate circumstances to take advantage of their vulnerability, as they feel alone
and scared, and need a place to stay by offering food, shelter and
clothing. In many cases, after they are
lured in, the trafficker fills them with drugs and alcohol to deter them from
leaving. Not only do they pump them full
of drugs, but they threaten to kill them and their families if they try to
These girls and women feel like they don’t have a voice
and many of them, give up. 50% of
trafficking victims are under the age of 18 years old. 2/3rds of sexually exploited
children suffer from additional abuse, and 71% exhibit suicidal tendencies. Trafficked children are also more likely to
become prostitutes as adults.
The Crux of the
This is a problem.
It is a problem because our children are being victimized and forced
into sexual slavery. It is a problem
because these children grow up without real families and healthy childhood
memories. They don’t play with other
children, go to the prom, go on dates or have a healthy first kiss. Their childhood is robbed from them and given
unwillingly to men who purchase their bodies for sexual gain. They are beaten, drugged, and their lives are
threatened. They feel like they have no
way out and are afraid to have a voice. More
and more people are becoming aware of the horrific epidemic in the United
States and are taking a stand to fight against sexual slavery. If you know of someone who is in need of
saving, please act now.
Common signs of a
sex trafficking victim include:
Multiple unexplained absences from school
Repeated tendency to run away from home
Frequent travels to other cities
Older boyfriends or girlfriends
Sudden ability to have expensive things
Appearing depressed or suffering physical injuries
Polaris Project 1.888.373.7888
Monday, November 5, 2012
5 Common Myths about Child Sexual Abuse
Common Myths about Child Sexual Abuse
Fact: Child sexual abuse can happen anywhere, in any neighborhood, in every religion or church group, covering all racial boundaries or ethnic groups. It does not matter how much money you have or whether or not you live in a beautiful, well-kept community; your child is still not protected from molestation or abuse.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice national statistics, 1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys will become victims of sexual abuse by the time they reach their 18th birthday. Further statistics show that children in elementary school are the most at risk, and children with disabilities have even higher risk factors. This is why it is so vital for parents to become educated about the prevalence of child sexual abuse in our society today, without becoming completely mistrustful about it.
Myth #2: You have already communicated with your children about not allowing anyone to touch their private parts, and you feel you have done what you can to ensure they know and are protected. You may have even said something like this to your children, “No matter what, if someone touches you in appropriately you can tell me, it’s not ever your fault and I will believe and protect you”.
Fact: Sexual abuse occurs by forcing or manipulating a child in a way that allows the sexual offender to touch the child’s private parts (which may or may not include penetration), or takes inappropriate photos of children that also exposes their private parts, or when an offender exposes themselves to a child, etc. You can tell your children over and over about good touch vs. bad touch and proper names of body parts, but if your child doesn’t know the correct terminology, how are they going to know how to tell you they were sexually abused? Children need to be taught openly and clearly about sexual abuse, and they need to learn and know the words such as sexual abuse, molestation, incest and they need to know the proper names of their private body parts.
Myth #3: Most sexual abuse cases are committed by people who are complete strangers to you or your child.
Fact: There is a database of sexual offenders you can look up to know if they have moved into your area, however, that is not enough. Sexual abuse is not always performed by a stranger, in fact most cases it is performed by someone the child knows and trusts. Did you know that 85-90% of child sexual abuse cases are committed by trusted family members and close friends? That includes fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, grandparents, cousins, babysitters, daycare workers, boyfriends of single mom’s, fellow church members and clergy, and so on.
Myth#4: Child sexual abuse is always perpetrated by adults.
Fact: Twenty-three percent of reported cases of child sexual abuse are perpetrated by individuals under the age of 18. While some degree of sexual curiosity and exploration is to be expected between children of about the same age, when one child coerces another to engage in adult-like sexual activities, the behavior is unhealthy and abusive. Both the abuser and the victim can benefit from counseling.
Myth #5: You believe that your child will tell you that he or she has been sexually abused.
Fact: Most sexually abused children do not tell anyone they were abused. Victims of sexual abuse are often too afraid of that the news will hurt their parents, they are afraid of not being believed, or they are threatened in some way by the offender.
While some schools offer programs that provide useful information and resources, for both children and parents, the responsibility of educating children about sexual abuse belongs to the parents.
if you were sexually abused or know of someone who was, you need to talk about it; the victim needs to get inner healing so they can have a healthy outlook on life and use what happened to them to help others.
The goal is to open your eyes, educate, and be aware of your surroundings. Know who your children are with at all times; everyone must be held accountable. Trust your instincts! If you feel uneasy about leaving a child with someone, don't do it. If you're concerned about possible sexual abuse, ask questions and never trust 100% without living in a paranoid state of mind.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
About Us
Restoration Life Foundation (RLF) is a non-profit that does not believe in borders when it comes to helping people in need. We are all God’s children, no matter where we live or what our belief is. Although we are a US based organization, we feel that there are plenty of resources available to women and girls here in the US but in third world countries these resources are very little to none in many remote places. For these women and girls to suffer for the rest of their lives from something that is not their fault is unacceptable and RLF wants to be there to help them get restored to a better quality of life. The resources needed are not so much in monetary means but in emotional and spiritual. These hurting women and girls need a place they can feel safe and get the help they need to live an independent life feeling confident, healthy and whole!
Many of these women and girls are thrown into the streets to live covered in their shame; their clothes are ragged, they are in the streets begging for food or eating garbage just to survive. These women and girls either have no family or their family has disowned them; blaming them for what happened. At RLF we want to play a major role in taking these women and girls off the streets and give them back their dignity with tools they need to live their life in freedom.
We are dedicated in helping women and girls on a global basis to restore their lives. Our desire is to offer a safe place for women and girls who have been abused, particularly in cases where they have been sexually abused, molested or trafficked, so they can recover from their abuse and begin a new life; a life of freedom from the pain, suffering and the situations that occurred in their life they did not choose.
Our home office is located in Clovis, CA. We are currently looking for property in North Fork, the Philippines and India to build a community for these women and girls (over the age of 16) to live in and feel safe.
If you would like more information about our organization, please visit our website at:

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