Restoration Life Foundation (RLF) is a non-profit that does not believe in borders when it comes to helping people in need. We are all God’s children, no matter where we live or what our belief is. Although we are a US based organization, we feel that there are plenty of resources available to women and girls here in the US but in third world countries these resources are very little to none in many remote places. For these women and girls to suffer for the rest of their lives from something that is not their fault is unacceptable and RLF wants to be there to help them get restored to a better quality of life. The resources needed are not so much in monetary means but in emotional and spiritual. These hurting women and girls need a place they can feel safe and get the help they need to live an independent life feeling confident, healthy and whole!
Many of these women and girls are thrown into the streets to live covered in their shame; their clothes are ragged, they are in the streets begging for food or eating garbage just to survive. These women and girls either have no family or their family has disowned them; blaming them for what happened. At RLF we want to play a major role in taking these women and girls off the streets and give them back their dignity with tools they need to live their life in freedom.
We are dedicated in helping women and girls on a global basis to restore their lives. Our desire is to offer a safe place for women and girls who have been abused, particularly in cases where they have been sexually abused, molested or trafficked, so they can recover from their abuse and begin a new life; a life of freedom from the pain, suffering and the situations that occurred in their life they did not choose.
Our home office is located in Clovis, CA. We are currently looking for property in North Fork, the Philippines and India to build a community for these women and girls (over the age of 16) to live in and feel safe.
If you would like more information about our organization, please visit our website at: